If you own Comdex CMDX tokens, you can easily stake them to earn passive return of 55%+ (actual rate fluctuate daily). CMDX tokens can be obtained either via an airdrop (qualified conditions must be met) or via the Osmosis DEX decentralized exchange. This tutorial will focus on how to stake them. How to obtain CMDX tokens is covered in a separate tutorial. If you need to get a quick summary of what Comdex is, check out Comdex founder’s article here.
Before we start staking CMDX, you’ll need to have the following:
1. Chrome web browser — you’ll need Chrome browser to use the Keplr wallet. Keplr is the most recommended self-custody wallet for Cosmos-compatible tokens such as CMDX, ATOM, LUNA, OSMO, and many others.
2. Keplr wallet Chrome extension — you can download the Keplr wallet Chrome extension at No, that’s not a misspelling. It’s not or If you feel more comfortable trusting Google, go ahead and search for “keplr wallet” on Google. The 1st search result should direct you to
3. CMDX tokens already in your Keplr wallet — how to obtain CMDX tokens via airdrop or how to transfer it to your wallet from Osmosis is covered in a separate tutorial.
To stake CMDX tokens, follow these simple steps.
1. Go to Omniflix staking dashboard for Comdex using Chrome:
2. Click on Connect button at the top right to connect your Keplr wallet.
3. Keplr wallet should pop up with a prompt for you to approve connecting your Keplr wallet with the comdex-1 network. Simply click Approve.
4. The Connect button on Omniflix should now switch to Disconnect to indicate that your Keplr wallet has been connected. You can also verify your wallet address at the top.
5. Select your favorite validator node to stake. For our example, we’ll use Stakepile. Click Delegate button next to our Stakepile listing
6. On the Delegate Tokens pop-up screen, enter the amount you want to stake. Do NOT enter the max token amount that you have. Always make sure to leave between 0.5 to 1 CMDX available in your wallet at all times to cover transaction fees.
7. Click Delegate
8. Keplr wallet should pop up with a prompt for you to approve the staking transaction. Leave the default transaction fee at average and click Approve.
9. Keplr should take 1–3 seconds to process the transaction.
10. When you see the notification “transaction successful”, you’ve completed the staking steps and should start earning CMDX rewards.
11. Check Omniflix Dashboard in a few days to see your rewards growing. You’ll need to either claim the rewards or simply stake the rewards to keep adding to your stake. You can claim and stake your rewards in 1 transaction (recommended) by simply staking your reward amount.
Note that CMDX has a 21-day unbonding period if you ever need to unstake your tokens.